Pay attention to tides.
If you’re looking for that crush of clear turquoise water, plan your Crab Island time around incoming tides when Gulf water is flushing through the Destin Pass and into your boat-in playground.
Watch the weather.
Even an early spring sun can give you a sunburn that will send you to the local emergency room. Stay slathered and hydrated.
Be careful of strong currents
Strong currents surround Crab Island and, each year, drownings occur near this magical watery island. Stay away from the edges where the water is deep and if you’re not a strong swimmer, wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation device. DO NOT TRY AND SWIM TO OR FROM CRAB ISLAND.
The water is shallow.
Please don’t dive on Crab Island and risk head or spinal cord injury.
Take storms seriously.
Florida is the lightning capitol of the United States, with more lightning strikes and fatalities most years than any other state. If it roars, head indoors.
Stay hydrated
Hey adults!! Be smart about “having one too many while on Crab Island”. DEHYDRATION is a real threat even if staying IN the water all day. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.
No parking
There is no parking around crab island! Book your boat’ Paddleboard, or jet ski early and use the vendor’s parking area.